最近Jordin和David在twitter上聊的很開心,讓我想起這位跟大衛同等級的唱將,曾經有一首歌,唱的我全身雞皮疙瘩都起來的作品。就是這首Jordin在決賽中所唱的This is my now。在最後三強的時候,Jordin一直不被看好可以進入top2,當宣布是她跟Blake Lewis進入top2,而不是Melinda這位實力抒情唱將時,媒體紛紛又爆冷門形容,Jordin雖然進了決賽,卻承受了非常大的壓力〈Blake雖然走音走很兇、愛唱不唱的,可是他會改編歌曲和創作,而且美國年輕人就喜歡他這種調調,所以事先就被認為會進top2〉和質疑。但是她挺過來了,決賽的這首This is my now是兩人的共同指定曲,排在第二首。Jordin幾乎是傾盡全身的力氣在唱這首歌,不是在證明什麼,只是在宣示這一刻我存在著,所有的陰影都已遠去〈有點類似David的in this moment〉。這真的是除了David以外,少數我會聽到雞皮疙瘩掉滿地的AI表演,也展現了當時17歲的Jordin真正的深度。這樣的表演與真的讓Jordin演出了大逆轉,一首定江山。一曲唱罷,Blake還沒出場唱第三首歌,全場觀眾和評審以及blake自己都知道大勢已去,沒有人會在質疑Jordin的實力,她就是美國偶像。當然,還是免不了批評,有媒體指出這首歌的詞曲簡直是為Jordin量身打造,Blake輸的冤枉。但我認為這都不重要,因為Jordin在之後的音樂事業繼續表現亮眼,而且在唱This is my now的那一刻,她讓我感覺到她強大的存在感,追求夢想的價值。
There was a time
I packed my dreams away
Living in a shell,
hiding from myself
There was a time
when I was so afraid
I thought I’d reached the end
Baby that was then
But I am made of more than my yesterdays
[Chorus] This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment
Cuz I look around I can’t believe the love
I see My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts
That was then, this is my now.
Had to decide was I gonna play it safe
Or look somewhere deep inside and try to turn the tide
Find the strength to take that step of faith
[Chorus] [Bridge] And I have the courage like never before,
yeah I’ve settled for less but I'm ready for more Ready for more
[Chorus x2] This is my now