#不准問大衛的gender (性別)哈哈哈哈!(我想他們是想說性向吧,結果寫成性別,哈!上次馬來西亞記者會的慘劇不能再重演)
Nice guy Archie
To be fair, Archuleta is such a nice guy, said Pinoy TV Host who interviewed him, that you wouldn’t have the heart to ask intrusive questions.
Archuleta is a charmer, PTH said. Or as Cook would describe Archie: “He’s one of the most genuine people I know.”
When Archuleta guested on “Sis,” Pinoy celebrities, including the show’s hosts, asked for snapshots onstage, on air.
In return, the hosts gifted Archuleta with a barong Tagalog, as well as toy nipa hut, ice cream cart and jeepney.
The Idol runner-up said he had seen jeepneys on the highway and would like to ride one.
Good luck.