Emily's dream came true! She finally met David last night!
Emily is my friend's 14 year old daughter who just loves David. Or what she likes to say is "I know other people love David...but I LLOOVVEE David!" I like to call her my Daughter in David! Emily and I went to the concert at the Del Mar Fair last night. She has always wanted to meet David and I have been trying for every meet and greet I could find to no avail! We started the day out meeting other people in the grandstands seats well before the concert started. They were all hoping to be able to watch sound check. But a few minutes later security decided to show us the way out of there! We saw a security guard named Michelle near the backstage gate and asked her if we could get gifts to David through her. She said to come back before the show and she will see if it is possible.
Emily and I went to go enjoy the fair and then my friend Sue called me and said to meet her by a side gate and they were doing sound check. So off we went! He sounded great! Mind you we couldn't see anything, but still worth it. Eventually we went back near the first area where we got kicked out of and proceeded to get kicked out yet again! Cannot hurt to try! So we got something to eat and got in the line to enter the show. We went over the Michelle the security guard and asked about the gifts. Her supervisor was standing next to her and told us no. He said they were leaving right away to catch a plane and could not take the gifts. So...of course I went inside and tried another security guard named Beverly. She was so sweet. She said that she would take the gifts but to follow her to the gate and if she couldn't give them to him she would give them back to us. The supervisor gave us a look and I just smiled! Beverly came out and said she was so sorry. We thanked her and stayed in the area. We could see David doing a small meet and greet through a tarp! If we squinted just right we could see him! We decided that that was still good! Then we saw a small line forming by the back stage gate. They all had stickers on that got them a meet and greet! How did they get those...we thought. We saw two teenage boys at the end of the line. I asked yet another security guard (I can be very friendly!) how they got the passes. He went up and asked the boys for us. Turns out one of the boy's father was on the board of the Music Fest this summer at the Del Mar Fair. He was in line with them as well. I told Emily to go talk to use her womanly charms! The security guard said go for it. So Emily found the courage and walked up to the boys and simply said "Can I go in with you?" One of the boys actually offered to give Emily his pass.! The other one said he would split it in half with her! Emily was standing there for about 5 minutes when I walked up. The father (Kelly) asked if I was her Mom. I said "why yes!" Ha! He said that he wanted to let Emily know that in life you are going to get a lot of no's, but keep trying because eventually you will get a yes. He said I will take care of you and your Mom. He was soooo sweet and my new best friend of course! He got us passes!! Next thing we know Kelly asked his son to escort Emily in. She was just dying! Besides the two cute teenage boys, she was going to meet David. She said she was going to faint. Kelly told to relax and stay standing! The supervisor looked at us sideways and then saw our passes...ha...I just smiled! So we we went inside and got in line and took a picture with David. He was so sweet to Emily because she told him she couldn't breathe! He told her it is okay and laughed. He then signed our stickers on our legs! Security tried to shoo us out but I told Emily just hang out for a minute. The line eventually cleared and I told her to yell "bye David!" He turned towards us...looked Emily right in the eye, flashed his gorgeous smile and said "bye...enjoy the show!" Emily said "oh my God!" and David laughed again! We couldn't believe what happened and just skipped out of there with a huge smile on our faces! How did we get so lucky! Persistence worked and of course using Emily's womanly charms! The concert was awesome! Seeing him perform outside was amazing! It was a great night..we now love Kelly and felt so very grateful!
credit:Fans of David Archuleta