

趁著Lenka最近終於在台灣小有名氣並將於9/30來台參加軒尼詩之樂活動的時機,就來好好介紹她吧!其實來自澳洲的Lenka一開始的生活重心不是音樂,而是演戲,她在青少年時期進入了當地頗負盛名的「澳洲青年劇團(Australian Theatre for Young People)學習戲劇,並在之後參與多部電影、電視影集及舞台劇的演出。但後來Lenka發現自己對音樂也抱有非常大的興趣後,才開始進行創作。一開始她先加入電音搖滾團體Decoder Ring,擔任主唱及KeyboardLenkaDecoder Ring的合作期間,發行了兩張專輯及Somersault電影原聲帶,後者廣受好評的程度觸使他們得以受邀到美國South by Southwest音樂節演出。之後Lenka決定移居LA,並決定單飛尋求更好的音樂夢想,甚至在Epic唱片公司簽下她之前她就開始進行專輯的錄製工作。首張個人同名專輯上市後果然在家鄉廣受好評,進軍美國後更是被許多電視影集選為配樂,而這些好成績當然讓Lenka終於有辦法進軍國際的音樂市場,向大家宣揚她的創作。 

Trouble Is A FriendLenka發行的第二支主打歌,也被實習醫生(Grey’s Atonamy)選為配樂。這首歌不外乎包含了Lenk所有的音樂特點,令人感同身受並充滿意象的歌詞、童話般夢幻的意境、及本身獨特又迷人的歌聲。Lenka說其實這首歌的目的是要幫大家打氣,她並不喜歡看到人們沮喪,雖然大家有時會被麻煩纏上身,但絕對不要被擊垮。由於本身對手工藝術品的熱愛,原版MV特別找來同鄉的視覺藝術家James Gulliver Hancock,幫忙設計這個以紙偶為主的MV。新版MV是進軍國際後再度拍攝的,雖然重新編排配樂,也終於能看見Lenka本人,但也保留原版MV那純真討喜又夢幻的畫面。









Trouble he will find you

No matter where you go

No matter if you're fast

No matter if you're slow

The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn

You're fine for a while

But you start to lose control 

He's there in the dark

He's there in my heart

He waits in the wind

He's gotta play a part

Trouble is a friend

Trouble is a friend of mine 

Trouble is a friend

But trouble is a foe

And no matter what I feed him

He always seems to grow

He sees what I see

And he knows what I know

So don't forget as you ease on down the road 

He's there in the dark

He's there in my heart

He waits in the wind

He's gotta play a part

Trouble is a friend

Trouble is a friend of mine

So don't be alarmed

If he takes you by the arm

I won't let him win

But I'm a sucker for his charm

Trouble is a friend

Trouble is a friend of mine 

How I hate the way he makes me feel

And how I try to make him leave

I try 

But he's there in the dark

He's there in my heart

He waits in the wind

He's gotta play a part

Trouble is a friend

Trouble is a friend of mine

So don't be alarmed

If he takes you by the arm

I won't let him win

But I'm a sucker for his charm

Trouble is a friend

Trouble is a friend of mine

    創作者 GengenW 的頭像


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