這篇文章最讓我感動的地方是大衛說到他錄Touch My Hand的時候正是AI巡迴演唱會的時候,他那時得了重感冒(大概是德州左右),所以唱中間假音的時候很費力(以後我聽到這段一定會感受不同)。
This is a quick recap of what happened at the dinner with David Archuleta this evening, before I forget the details.
Pam and I arrived at the restaurant in the rain. Why is it always raining whenever I meet David?
We walked into a beautiful private dining room in a wooden lodge. Our seats were already assigned. One by one the dinner guests streamed in. They were from Utah, California and New York - I was the only one from overseas - Singapore. Each guest had a sign with our full name on it in front of his/her assigned seat. A guest by the name of Jon Baker said he knows me as the lady from Singapore. Sally, whom I befriended on MySpace, came with her new best friend, Kathy.
Kim from the Boys and Girls Club had accidentally misspelt “Archuleta” as “Atchuleta” on their signs.
David and his parents would sit on one end of the table, flanked on either side by 6 guests (12 guests in total), while opposite from the Archuleta’s were the Boys and Girls Club staff (Kim and her sister Leila) and the photographer Lisa Nelson.
Suddenly, David popped into the room with Lupe and Jeff. He was dressed in subdued colors - a dark brown tee-shirt with a grey jacket and a brown scarf. His hair was unmade and slightly toussled. He recognized me instantly and greeted me with a big smile and a “Hey!”. Jeff had a look of utter surprise on his face when he saw me, he kept looking at me, shaking his head and said, “I can’t believe you’re here!”
Lupe was very friendly, she went round the table to shake hands with everyone.
Jeff explained that David just met the band for the first time today to rehearase for the solo tour. A quick round of introductions with our names and where we were from. I was very nervous - I could feel the wetness of tears at the corners of my eyes and when the Archuleta’s turned to look in my direction, all I could muster was a shivering smile. Thankfully, the nervousness disappeared once I warmed up.
David was seated in the center between Jeff and Lupe, with Jeff nearer my side of the room.
Jeff asked me if I had met Lupe before. I shook my head. He reached to explain to her, “You know, have you seen the..do you remember the..you know, the huge book with the messages from countries around the world - she was the one who compiled the book and gave it to David at the idols tour. She’s like the surrogate international fan, the representative of international fans.” I wanted to duck under the table.
Lupe asked if I was from Singapore but currenty living in the US. I replied that I still live in Singapore and I flew here for the dinner. They asked how many hours the flight took. I said 17 hours and gasps ensued. David asked, “Do you feel sleepy?” I said, “No, I’ve gotten over the jet lag.” He asked, “What did you do to pass time on the plane?” Pam interjected, “Probably listening to her ipod.” but I quickly said, “My ipod is full of your songs but I know if I listen to them, I won’t be able to sleep so I just slept on the plane instead.”
David saw the cap I was wearing and said, “Nice cap.” I said I bought it at the fashion place mall in murray, and they looked amazed (that I found my way there?). I explained I was there on Saturday to build my Archie bear at the Build-A-Bear Workshop and to get the David tees. And I told David that the staff at BABW asked that he drop by the shop to check out the David tees, to which he replied hesitantly, “I’d like to..I’m not sure if I have the time.”
Jeff asked if I had simply come here at the drop of a hat and I said yes. Lupe asked when I’d be flying off and I said Feb 20. I then said that since I didn’t know the date of the dinner earlier and this was an international flight, I had to plan to be in Utah the entire week and because of that, I’ve run out of vacation days so I have to give David’s upcoming solo tour a miss. I said I’m very sorry and looked at David and literally begged him to come to Singapore - “Please come to Singapore, you need to come to Singapore. Come to SingFest - September.” David’s reaction was cute as he looked briefly at Jeff, then looked back at me and basically repeated my words, “SingFest - September.”
At one point, someone asked which location was the first stop for the solo tour. No one could answer, so I volunteered, “VA Beach”. David smiled at me, while Lupe joked, “Questions? Ask her.”
David pointed his steak knife at everyone round the table and said, “I want to get to know all of you.” So we went down the line introducing ourselves. I giggled to myself, wondering how many in this world could enjoy the experience of being interrogated by David Archuleta with a sharp steak knife as his weapon of choice.
When it was my turn, he pointed the knife at me and said, “Larissa, it’s your turn.” I said, “Sorry, I have food in my mouth” and he immediately quipped, “I have food in my mouth too.”
I read out a message, “The international fans from Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, India, China, Portugal, Nigeria, and many many more countries send you their love.” He said incredulously, “I have a fan in Nigeria?” “Yes, she’s a big fan and she tells us whenever radio stations in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, play your songs.” “The radio stations there play my songs?”
I shared about Team Archie - that we gift his music to fans who are unable or cannot afford to buy his songs, and that we have dated 1,500 albums and 3,000 singles. He seemed taken aback over the magnitude of these figures. I also said that we’re gifting “Let’s Talk About Love”. He said he received the score only the night before he was due to record that song.
Occasionally, David would space out; he would look over the heads of people and launch into bouts of random singing. During his first round of random singing, his eyes were darting all over the place and he sang, “Tum tum tum tum tum tum tum..” softly.
At a point where the conversation died down, I turned to David and quickly said, “David, I’ve got to tell you that ‘Touch My Hand’ has become an unofficial international single. It was #1 in Sri Lanka and #4 in Portugal and the radio stations in the Philippines keep playing it.” He recalled that recording TMH was a great experience but he was very sick that time during the idols tour and he was concerned about struggling to reach the falsetto. Hearing this, I know I’ll never take TMH for granted - not that I ever have.
After a pause, he asked, ”Which radio station in Portugal was it #4?” “I can’t remember the name, I don’t know Portuguese, but I have the chart compilation right here.” I took out the chart compilation spreadsheet that I’ve prepared and passed it to David. He was taken in by the spreadsheet and studied it for at least 3 minutes, bursting into occasional exclamations like “Oh, I was on the Philippines Hot 100!” and “Lithuania?!” Both David and Jeff asked if I was the one who did the spreadsheet. Jeff asked how I managed to do it. I said I would set aside 4 - 5 hours a week to visit each chart but it was fun and addictive. Monitoring the charts was part of the efforts of David Archuleta International, the international division of Team Archie comprising a small community of international fans. As an aside, I also mentioned that the Crush MV reached #1 at a TV channel in Cambodia. David said he used to study international charts, but now he feels weird that he appears on these charts. Then someone said, “Larissa would gladly send you the chart updates every week” and I affirmed it.
David was a hearty but swift eater. He swiped his plate clean each time with gusto and speed.
Dessert arrived, and Kim announced that they had to do the photo-taking and autograph session quickly because David has to go soon. Jeff added that they have one more hour of rehearsals with the band and then they have to go to the airport at 4.30am to fly to LA.