大家都知道大衛粉絲有個正式名稱吧?就是Archangels(聖經裡的大天使,也是大衛姓Archuleta的頭幾個字和angels合起來),簡稱angels(雙關語,是大天使的簡稱,也是大衛在AI唱Angels的意思),中文就是大衛天使啦!現在終於有個粉絲網站成立了,名字就叫做Angels For A Cause(天使慈善總動員-版主亂翻的),專門把大衛指名道姓的慈善組織點出來,集合所有粉絲的力量,集思廣益的來認真為慈善做點事。有興趣的人可以到這裡去加入變成會員:
Our mission is to highlight charities that are chosen by David
Archuleta and to help raise funds for those charities. We will support
you, his fans, along the way.
This website will offer ideas to help you organize fundraisers in your
local area; it will show you how to start and/or lead a team of
supporters to raise even more money; and it will give you the
opportunity to network with other fans to share your own fundraising
ideas online.
Our current charity is Rising Star Outreach. If you haven't had a chance to see what they are all about, please visit their website.
David's fans are exceedingly generous. From August to December last
year, David’s fans donated more than $64,000 to various charities in
his name without any appointed goal. We hope that this trend will
從去年8月開始到現在,大衛天使已經捐贈了超過$64,000美金給各種慈善組織,現在這個天使慈善總動員就是把大家的量結合起來,一次選一個主題,讓大家的力量集中,並且互相合作。第一個選定的組織是: Rising Star Outreach,是專門為在印度的痲瘋病人提供全方位服務的組織。
大衛和Rising Star Outreach的負責人合照
大衛曾經深深感謝所有以他的名字捐錢給慈善組織的天使,也一直不遺餘力的支持各種慈善活動,不論是為Feeding America捐一個簽名的碗去義賣(最後賣了$700元美金)
或是成為Do Something的代言人,為流浪街頭的青少年捐牛仔褲
把襯衫和皮手環捐給Bonnie Hunt Basement去義賣
幫助社區組織募款(和大衛共進晚餐),或是唱Let's Talk About Love