David Archuleta might be one of the biggest (and youngest) hearthrobs to be singing his way to success at the moment, but the American Idol star has recently revealed that he hates seeing himself on screen and hearing his own voice.
The baby-faced American Idol singer managed to bag himself thousands of fans during his time on the show, many who believe he was the rightful winner of the competition, however, at the launch of the American Idol Experience in Disney World, Florida, David said: "I'm looking forward to seeing how it all came together, even though I hope they don't show very much of me because I hate seeing myself."
Talking to the Press Association, David admitted he hadn't even seen any of the shows in which he appeared. "I don't know, I'm just so weird-looking and I sound weird. Oh, I hate hearing myself. Like with the stuff on the album I kind of had to get the hang of so that's not as bad, but everything else - no! I can't stand it," he added.
To be honest, I think David's success must have affected his brain, because he has the most beautiful voice, and the most angelic face I have ever seen on a 17 year old boy!