
大衛在AI top 20唱了Imagine之後,差不多就奠定了他一定會進入前幾名的可能,但是這種壓力有多大家能想像嗎?然後下個禮拜他唱We Can Work It Out就忘詞了。這是大衛後來接受訪問時說的話:“事情已經發生了,後悔也無濟於事,只有繼續往前看,永遠保持積極思考的能力。“



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"Some of the not so good moments, like forgetting your lyrics in front of like 30 million people. The first thing I thought was 'dang it.' But, you know, it's like, well you have to keep going. There's nothing you can do about it anymore. You're here in the top 12 and even though you just messed up really bad in front of millions of people, you just, you have to show, you always have to concentrate on the positive side of everything."


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