Moriarty是一個以女主唱Rosemarry Moriarty加上另外四位分別來自美國、法國、瑞士、越南的團員組成的樂團。他們的歌詞很坦率,但是曲風則是融合了鄉村藍調名謠營造出的一種懷舊風,每一首歌都是一首神祕的敘事曲。他們是一個到處流浪的樂團,沒有固定的樂器,有時是口琴、吉他或貝斯,有時又是手鼓或手風琴。我要推薦的這首jimmy,是他們剛崛起時的主打歌,在法國和義大利相當受歡迎。歌詞寫的是家人的思念,希望遠方的遊子Jimmy返鄉。



Jimmy won't you please come home
Where the grass is green and the buffaloes roam
Come see Jimmy your uncle Jim Your auntie Jimmie and your cousin Jim 
Come home Jimmy because you need a bath
And your grandpa Jimmy is still gone daft

Now there's buffalo Jim and buffalo Jim And Jim buffalo now didn't you know 
Jim Jim Jimmy its your last cigarette 
But there's buffalo piss and it's all kind of wet 
Jambo Jimmy you'd better hold your nose 
All roads lead to roam with the buffaloes 

And the Buffaloes used to say be proud of your name 
The Buffaloes used to say be what you are 
The Buffaloes used to say roam where you roam 
The Buffaloes used to say do what you do

Well you've gotta have a wash but you can't clean your name 
You're now called Jimmy you'll be Jimmy just the same 
The keys are in a bag in a chest by the door 
One of Jimmy's friends has taken the floor 

Jimmy won't you please come home
Where the grass is green and the buffaloes roam 
Dear old Jimmy you've forgotten you're young 
But you can't ignore the buffalo song 

And the Buffaloes used to say be proud of your name 
The Buffaloes used to say be what you are 
The Buffaloes used to say roam where you roam 
The Buffaloes used to say do what you do 

If you remember you're (unkown / a gnome / a Noam) 
Buffaloland will be your home 

    創作者 GengenW 的頭像


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