the stool!! yipeeee!!! i know what that means!!, you can!!, holy guacamole he is so close, soo soo close, omgoshh, OH MY GOOD GOSH i am loving the zoom on my camera, if i can't marry david i am for sure marrying this camera right here wow, i am dying here , omgoshh that voice!!, omg those eyes, those eyes those eyeeeesss! , ahh someone remind me again how to brethe please, omgosh did i just seriously see sweat fly off his head, wow. I. Am. Loving. This. To. Death! , ive always loved you can, but wow theres something bout being this close and just ahh im dying here , "if u coud wish upon tomarrow tonight would never end" heck yes, you got that right my brother haha, just wow, i always say i want him to sing this at our..o i mean my wedding haha, but idk if ill make it through this song..maybe at my funeral?haha, gahhh love love love love love lovelove!