CRUSH!! yess wewt wewt !! wewt wait what? nooo not crush!.. that means its over! no it can't be over already!!, o come on david i know u know a couple more songs!! please please pretty please with a cherry o i mean an almond on top!!!! no? ok ok , haha , oooooo i hung up the phone tonight somethin happened for the first time..... awww david!!! do u realize it is almost the one year anniversary to this song! awwww *tear* amazing!! boy u kill me!! you have changed my life soo much! thnk you billion times david! thank you thank you thank you!! .....and now its 4:05 "am in the morning" haha and i'm only using half of my brain so i know most of this is spelled wrong, and my little brother just woke up and asks me with a confused look on his face "is it morning already?" (no bub i just havent been to sleep yet.. yes sissy is crazy, sry haha) , and i realized that we have to be checked out of our hotel at 11 am.. o goody haha.. well cn't wait for tomarrow night in pittsburgh!! im gonna try to video again.. we'll see how it goes :)