根據Archuleta Philippines提供的報紙的消息,大衛將在今年2/5與Cook和小野貓的Nicole到菲律賓的Cebu一同開演唱會。開演唱會的消息是否屬實還有待官方確認,但日期一定是錯誤的,因為前一天大衛將參加Jordin的慈善活動,不太可能馬上趕過去。
credit:Archuleta Philippines
Yesterday’s been CRAZY! We got word from @shineninstar, one of the Pinoy Archies in Cebu, that David Archuleta, David Cook and Nicole Scherzinger are set to have a concert on February 5, 2010 in SM City Cebu Open Ground. Here’s a scan of the news article, also from Shine Thanks SHINE!
Today, we got more news from @shineninstar!
ARCHIES. Got news from the Producer. YES IT’S TRUE! However, they still don’t have prices for the tickets (so hindi sha FREE concert. LOL ;P), The venue is not yet “final” (it’s the same venue as Kris Allen’s concert - on the same date? Impossible!). — I have a feeling the date is not yet final din (Jordin’s charity event with D is on Feb. 3-4)