I know it will seem strange to see an article about a pop star here on Epicdemia. Honestly we have dedicated ourselves very much to the genre of Heavy Metal in the past months, but this does not mean that we are not open to appreciate all branches of music. If you look at our library, you will see we have covered artists of different genres in the past. Finally, last night we had the opportunity to spend time with one of the most talented pop stars of our time, David Archuleta.
If you are one of the few who doesn't know who he is, David Archuleta rose to fame after getting 2 nd place on American Idol in 2008. Since then his fame began increasing exponentially. The first single title “Crush” from his debut album title “David Archuleta” went to number 2 on Billboard. What's impressive about all this is that the young man who just recently turned 19 years old not only has a voice that can put 90% of current vocalists to shame, but he does this even though he has suffered partial vocal chord paralysis.
Archuleta is on a tour with his mother, Lupe, to grow closer to the impoverished communities of America. He came to Guatemala through an organization dedicated to small businesses and helping them move forward with their businesses called “Mentors”. We had the opportunity to be in a small press conference with David Archuleta, during which he expressed many interesting points.
1. His message for young people is always keep striving to move forward with their dreams and never be discouraged by the conditions they live in.
2. Regarding his book, Chords of Strength, he said his reason for writing it is to be a guide young people, through his experience, particularly what he learned from suffering from vocal chord paralysis years ago. He tries to encourage them to continue on no matter what, by demonstrating how adversity can be overcome and you can triumph in what you propose to do.
3. He indicated he sings because it's the best way he knows how to express himself. He wants to be a positive influence for young people, he feels there are too many songs with negative lyrics that leave nothing good, and he intends to produce good music, that makes people feel good and that doesn't include negative messages.
The most impressive part of the presentation was when David Archuleta sang a cappella for the media and we realized the caliber of artist we had standing before us. After this, we were invited to a room where there was a type of talk mixed with music. I should mention, this took place in the chapel of a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and David did not charge for his appearance. Actually nobody had to pay to be at the meeting. The type of presentation was a bit religious in nature and as such the majority of the songs were hymns chosen by David Archuleta. The only exceptions to this were David Archuleta's performance on piano of the song “Angels” and other done by his mom “Mi Tierra”. Interestingly, the hymns he sang were in Spanish, although he had some difficulty speaking the language. It's interesting to see how the young man hasn't been tainted despite having spent some time already in the world of the stars. He actually admitted to being nervous several times through the evening. There is no arrogance on his face, nor in his way of expressing himself. He even looked to his mother for support during the press conference when he felt nervous.
I don't know about you all, but I am used to artists who believe that fame gives them a status of superiority, and to see a star who still has respect for his mom, I realized I was in the presence of someone different. What was most impressive about the day wasn't the music, but rather when David had to speak. A member of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), his main focus was about God and his belief that the Gospel is true and how this has helped him in his life. Whether or not you believe in God, I assure you that upon hearing him you will feel a sense of peace and tranquility. Not that he's the best speaker in the world, actually he tends to get off topic a lot, but his fervent belief in what he believes and his desire to do whatever possible to help his fellow man without looking for recognition is something worthy of admiration.
When I knew that I was going to cover a report on David Archuleta, I thought he was going to be talking about his musical interpretations and his powerful voice. I read what I have written and I realize it turns out that it isn't so much about that as the impression he made on me as a human being. Fame and success have been achieved by many artists, but what David Archuleta has as a human being is something different. He has a genuine goodness that you just can't understand if you don't see him in person. I ended up more inspired after this event than any other thing. This is something I can't say about any other artist. I ended up after this event inspired more than any other thing.