# 這禮拜跟幾個特地從Utah來的朋友到港口玩、看街頭藝人表演、吃薑絲炒飯
# 太久沒有騎腳踏車,所以很懷念那種感覺
# 持續寫歌、錄歌當中,非常感謝大家這段時間依然很支持他
# 提到將要參加Apple Idol,Brooke去年也有受邀在那個活動表演
# 覺得AI9的兩位參賽者都很棒,大衛妹妹特別喜歡Lee,大衛自己也覺得現在的Lee比起他回去表演時成長許多
# 大衛這禮拜會回去現場看決賽!不過想到要穿什麼、走紅地毯時要被媒體拍來拍去就有點頭痛!
Hey everyone! I thought I'd leave a note to let you guys know about what's been up with me lately. This last weekend was a really great one! I got to spend time with some friends, which included some who drove down from Utah, and we all went to the Santa Monica Pier and rode the ferris wheel haha. We also walked around 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica and had a great time walking around and seeing the street performers. It's really neat watching a bunch of those street performers. There are some really talented people who are down there performing that you'll have to check out if you ever go there. We also ate at a restaurant called Buddha's Belly and had some great ginger fried rice. Good stuff. I had a really fun time hanging with my friends. They rode the segways too but I'm too afraid to ride those lol. I really want to ride a bike sometime! I haven't had a bike for sooo long, and I'm reaching a point where I'm tired of not riding one. I think I'm going to put that on my list of things to do. Yesterday I was finishing up vocals on some more songs. I know that Eman has been bubble tweeting and teasing you guys on twitter by playing the ends of some of the songs I've worked on with him lol. He's funny. But I can't wait until you guys get to hear the WHOLE songs! I've really appreciated how you guys have been supportive even during the quiet times, it really makes me feel better :). I'll really try to wrap things up though! We're just trying to plow through things and still get them sounding good. Today I'll be heading out to Cupertino to the Apple headquarters! It should be fun to go there. I'll be participating in what they have called Apple Idol for the workers there and it'll be fun to see everything. I know Brooke White went last year and had a really great time. What have you guys thought of American Idol this season? You excited about the final 2? I think Crystal and Lee are both really talented people. I'm still impressed with how nice of a guy Lee was when I went back to perform earlier this season. He's a really cool guy. My sister is in love with him. It's weird because I've never seen her obsess over an idol contestant the way she has with him. She certainly didn't act this way when I was on haha, which is totally ok. I not only got to talk to him but also Crystal and they were both nice to talk to. I'm really excited about going to the finale next week! It's always so exciting to go back and see everyone there and catch up. It's so chaotic with it being finale week though! And it's always a pain trying to find clothes to wear because there's the red carpet and all the pictures lol. But I'll figure something out! Well I better get going, but let me know how you've felt about this season of American Idol and what performances really stood out to you. Let me know who you're rooting for too! I'll update again later.Song for the day - I'm Gonna Get You - Bizarre Inc.This song brings back memories when I was a teeny tiny kid. It was one of my favorite songs back when I still lived in Miami. Good times :)