



# 提到簽書會,非常高興能夠暫時離開錄音室見見粉絲

# 希望大家可以參加他下禮拜在Rexburg的簽書會和小型演唱會(說不定有驚喜喔!)

# 在機場巧遇Cook,很可惜剛好要去Washington所以不能參加他的演唱會

# 從Children's Miracle Network的小朋友身上學到了很多,不管如何,永遠都要抱持樂觀的態度!

# 在白宮時也遇到Miss America,大衛和她都有表演給小朋友們,後來還見到總統Obama

# 非常讚賞Children's Miracle Network這次幫那些小朋友辦的活動,也感謝其他幫助捐款的人和單位


Hey all! Just thought I'd give an update with what's been going on lately.

Since the book is now out, I've been doing book signings! The ones in New York and New Jersey were awesome! I also got to do one in Minnesota at the Mall of America and ride some of the indoor rides they have in the mall. Pretty fun stuff! I then got to go back home for a couple of Utah book signings. The first one was in Salt Lake City, and the second one was in Orem. They were both great! It was fun being surprised by people I knew coming by and seeing them in line haha. It's been so neat getting to see everyone after such a long time being under a rock recording and writing. Thanks so much to all of you who have been coming out to the signings!

The next book signing that I have coming up will be in Rexburg, Idaho June 17th. It's this coming Thursday and it will be at Noon at Deseret Book. So if you're in the Idaho area you should come on by and say hi! I'll also be having a show in Rexburg June 19th which is a week from today. The next little bit will be focusing on that as it's been a while since I've done a show lol. Who knows... there might be some fun things for you guys to listen to ;). But it should be a fun time! I can't wait to do a show again!

This week I also got to go to Washington D.C. for Children's Miracle Network's Champions Across American program. I left straight after my Orem book signing, and at the airport headed to the security line I ran into David Cook. It was quite the coincidence as we were joking that we'd run into each other at the airport, since he was coming in to do a show in SLC and had texted me asking if I'd be there that night. I told him I was leaving that night so we didn't think we'd see each other. But lo and behold, there he was with his peeps. lol. It was great seeing all of them.

The Champions Across American program is a program that honors kids who've overcome some pretty amazing trials and challenges. They bring a child from each state that has gone through these medical difficulties to Washington D.C., and what AMAZING kids they are! If you want to know a little more about what this program's about here's a link:

I got to do interviews with a lot of the Champions, and it was really neat getting to hear their stories and how they are able to keep such positive attitudes, and how strong and high of spirits they have. It really was incredible and humbling to hear what they have to deal with, and how they still stay tough and are such fighters. They really taught me how no matter how low or far you may seem to plummet in tough situations, life is still SO valuable, and is a blessing that we are all able to have! It made me realize how much I took so many things for granted and that I needed to start looking at things differently.

After the interviews, we were all able to go to the White House and take a tour of it. It was great getting to see all of the kids and mingle with them and their families, and the White House is a pretty cool place to do that. Miss America, Caressa Cameron, was also there, and she was a really sweet gal. She was really great with all the kids, and we both sang songs for the kids as we were waiting to get the group pictures taken. It was so much fun! haha. We also had the chance to meet President Obama which was totally awesome. He was also great with the kids.

When we were finished at the White House, we all went to a Nationals vs. Pirates baseball game that evening. I sang the National Anthem, and one of the Champion kids got to throw the first pitch. It was all just a blast! I didn't want to leave! lol. It was a real privilege getting to hang out with that many incredible kids all at once in a single day. You've got to look at some of pictures and stories on the website above. It really is a difference meeting them in person because you just feel their tough spirits and positive energy, and see that they're still just kids. It'd still think it'd be great for you guys to see how despite what these kids have gone through and still go through, they are making a difference and show that you can keep an optimistic view of life and have an impact on so many others.

Children's Miracle Network really is an amazing foundation. It's raised over $4 BILLION dollars for kids and hospitals, and has changed MILLIONS of these kids' lives, along with their families. Thank you so much to everyone there for all that you have done for these kids, and also to Wal-Mart and Sam's Club for the support they show. You can really make a difference just by donating one dollar, because that's what so many of the donations are. Just ONE dollar. Thanks to everyone who has also supported hospitals and people who really struggle with things. It was a real honor getting to hang out with such special and amazing kids.

Well I guess I've talked enough, so I'll be heading out. I am back in Utah today! It's a great day to be back. The weather has been a little dark and it's been raining, but I've actually kind of enjoyed it. The rain has made things really green here. There have been problems with flooding here which has been pretty crazy, but hopefully things will be all right. I'll talk to you guys later!

Song for the day: Earth - Imogen Heap
Another amazing song by the amazing Imogen :)

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