來了來了!!星期二大衛來報到咯!!大衛說專輯裡有幾首歌他本來覺得現場唱會唱不上去的,例如Crush, Running, Barriers,可是在和樂隊練唱之後,他還是超越了自己,所以他的結論是,人對自己的潛能是不了解的,有時候人能夠做的事超越了自己的想像(當然不是把自己逼死的那種)(又是一句嘉言來了)。
大衛每週一歌:Vidas Paralelas by Ximena Sariñana(看來下一步就是要去學西班牙文了)
Hey everyone!
I'm reporting from Virginia, where we have our first 2 tour shows!
Really exciting stuff. I'm really nervous! Ah! But I can't wait at the
same time! We've been practicing and practicing and practicing. It's so
weird to go on my very own tour, it doesn't feel real! But anyway haha.
I'll tell you about the last week.
So the last week has basically been me and the new band getting ready
for tour. They're all really fun to work with and really talented. It's
fun just hanging out with them and we have a good time rehearsing, even
though it's a lot of work. When we rehearse, it's basically just
running through all the songs all day long lol. We try to tweak them,
and see what we can add to it to make it more fun. It'll be fun to just
get out there and sing, and I think you guys will have fun listening to
the new songs from the album! I'm excited to perform them. Some of the
songs are really high though, and I have no idea how I hit them... But
I manage to lol. When I recorded some of the songs, like Running,
Barriers, Crush, A Little Too Not Over You, I was thinking... "How the
heck I was going to be able to sing them?!?" But I always managed to
somehow haha. And the more you push yourself, (But not in a way you
hurt your voice. It's more like you go for things you were afraid of
doing and sing with confidence! haha) you become more comfortable. And
the more you practice those scary songs, you find a comfortable place
to sing them that you never knew about before. But yeah there's my
little thought for the day I wanted to share I guess.
Another thing that happened over the last week is I went to LA to film
my guest appearance on Hannah Montana haha. It was another thing I was
really nervous about and wasn't really sure about at first. However,
once I got there I had a great time! Everyone there was fun and Miley
was a cool person to hang out with. She has a lot of energy and is
really funny haha. Getting to watch how they rehearsed the scenes for
the show was really cool too. It's always interesting to see the
behind-the-scenes things. I've never really watched the show before,
but it was sooo funny watching the other scenes! I think it'll be fun
to see how the whole show runs altogether, because it was just cool to
see how great of actors the other kids were. Anyhow, I better get to
rehearsing for the big day tomorrow! I'll talk to you guys later! Ah!
I'm pretty pumped for tomorrow! Let me know if you're going to the
Virginia Beach or Richmond shows ok? You can let me know if you're
going to one of the other shows this week too. Peace!
Song for the day: Vidas Paralelas - Ximena Sariñana